Young MNS members travel awards to participate in the SONA Conference in Marrakech –Morocco April, 17-20, 2025

On behalf of the President and the Governing Council of the MNS we extend our congratulations to our young grantees.

List of Grantees

- Soumia Ed-Day Female (Moroccan from Morocco -PhD Student/ oral )
- Elmehdi Hamouda Male (Moroccan from China - PhD Student/ oral)
- Zeineb Fridhi , Female (Tunisian from Tunisia PhD Student / Poster)
- Hafida El Ghachi Female Moroccan from Morocco- PhD Student/ Poster)
- El Hafedh El Mouhab Male (Mauritanian from Mauritanian-PhD student/
Neurpain school in Bordeaux
I am pleased to inform you that the 2nd NeuroPain summer school will be held in Bordeaux, co-organised by the University of Bordeaux (France), the University of Strasbourg (France), and the CERVO centre in Quebec. The school will take place from 19 to 23 May 2025, and will feature 7 cutting-edge workshops on the study of pain networks and circuits. Don't hesitate to pass this information on to your colleagues as it may be of interest to students and post-docs working on pain and co-morbidities.

Registration web site:

Registration deadline: March 31, 2025

Attached are some information.

Kind regards,

Pr. Marc Landry
University of Bordeaux
Group leader, team "Purinergic-mediated...
MNS Fourth Webinar announcement Friday 31st January
Join Us for Our New MNS Webinar
“Decoding Parkinson’s:  The Alternative to Despair  is to build an Ark.”
 By Dr. Wael Mohamed,  Professor of Neuropharmacology at  the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Medical School.
The webinar is free to attend and open to all professionals, students, and enthusiasts passionate about neuroscience updates.
Kindly note, the link to the event will be sent by email to all registered attendees on the day of the webinar.
So please make sure to check your email (including spam folder).
Register now
Extended deadline for Young MNS members travel awards to participate at the SONA Conference in Marrakech - Morocco - April, 17-20, 2025
The Mediterranean Neuroscience Society (MNS) invites young MNS members to apply for travel awards to attend and give an oral or poster presentation at the SONA (Society of Neuroscientists of Africa) conference in Marrakech, Morocco, from April 17th to 20th 2025. Each awardee will receive the amount of 500 euros. Application deadline January 31st 2025.  For more information see attached.