MNS: why and what for?
MNS: why and what for? The Mediterranean Neuroscience Society (MNS) works towards three main objectives:

Research on brain function in health and disease is among the priorities for today’s societies, and several indicators put the mediterranean research area among strategic issues for the European Union (EU).

To reach these objectives, the MNS’s policy is to work in close cooperation with existing national and international Neuroscience Societies. In particular, we are proud member of the International Brain Research Organization – IBRO and also act in synergy with the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies – FENS.

Many South-North collaborations and networks have emerged in recent years through bilateral and multi-lateral actions, supported by the EU or by international and national actions, whether for setting up teaching curricula (e.g. Tempus programs), or by building human potential (e.g. FP7, H2020). Many other initiatives of cooperation (e.g. Neurobridges) have seen the light of day, initiated by groups of motivated individuals, believing in the importance of scientific cooperation as a way to alleviate political distress between cultures with a long history of recent conflicts.

The MNS is created to support and help strengthen existing and new projects that bring together neuroscientists from all shores of the Mediterranean:

MNS will organize the next Mediterranean Conference in 2025 in Greece. The last Mediterranean Conference of Neuroscience was organized in 2023 Carthage (Tunis), preceded by editions 2021 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The last Mediterranean Conference of Neuroscience was organized in 2019 in Marrakech (Morocco), preceded by editions in 2017 in St. Julian (Malta), Pula-Sardinia (Italy) in 2015, Istanbul (Turkey) in 2012, Alexandria (Egypt) in 2009. MNS plans to further open future Mediterranean Conferences to showcase the richness and creativity of Mediterranean research in all types of neuroscience, as well as of strategies to improve cross-Mediterranean cooperation.

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